Cobra Kai, the series continuation of the iconic The Karate Kid film franchise, will return for its sixth and final season on Netflix with 15 episodes and a finale event to be released across three dates. Part 1 of the highly anticipated Season 6 kicks off on July 18, followed by Part 2 premiering on November 28. The finale event is set to wrap up the epic saga in 2025.
Netflix’s synopsis for these final episodes reads: “Picking up with Cobra Kai eliminated from the Valley, our senseis and students must decide if and how they will compete in the Sekai Taikai–the world championships of karate.” Along with this announcement, Netflix has also shared a new teaser marking the beginning of the end, which you can check out below.
With production initially delayed due to the WGA strike, anticipation has only mounted. Season 5’s conclusion left loose ends aplenty, from Kreese’s vengeful schemes to the potential romance brewing between Chozen and Kumiko. All that’s really known about the episodes ahead is that the stage is set for a grand finale.
Ralph Macchio, who plays Daniel LaRusso, hinted to Deadline in 2023 that while he still had not seen a script for the sixth and final season, he knew the overall story arc and that it does the franchise justice. Gianni Decenzo, who portrays Demetri, echoed this sentiment, telling Digital Spy in 2022 that “the creators want a great resolution… They don’t want to leave the fans hanging.”